Four Best Places to Live

Hey everyone and we are still social distancing and yes COVID-19 pandemic is still with us.  How is everyone feeling?  Are you ready for this to be over already?  I sure am!

This Sunday our service will be Online again on Facebook Live.  This Sunday I would like to start a new sermon series, “Four Best Places to Live.”  Where does the Bible say we should dwell?  We’re going to look at the Four Best Places to Live according to God and Scripture. The criteria are these:
  • Where do we become most alive, most fully ourselves?
  • Where do we find greatest joy and peace and wisdom?
  • Where do we experience the deepest sense of belonging?
  • Where is it that, at one and the same time, is safe and yet abounds with adventure?
  • Where resides true riches?


Come join us each Sunday.  Again, this Sunday if you have prayer requests you can fill it out online at our on Prayer Request tab under Worship or you can send it to me at (409) 553-4164 via text.  You can still call the church office with it as well.


Hope to see you online on Sunday.

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